Vincent & Nadine


30th August, 2023

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  • Bride & Groom





    About Us

    Vincent and Nadine

    How God Brought Us Together,

    Vincent and Nadine met in the most random and unexpected way! Through God, this first encounter has led them to this very moment.

    So, let us rewind back to where it all began.

    June 1st 2019….

    Vincent’s version:

    Vincent was coaching as usual up until 18:00. Today was the Champions League final! Vincent and Dan usually made plans about where they were going to watch the final. They had watched the last 3 finals together and planned to meet in North London at a pub. However, when Vincent got home at 6.30 (keeping in mind pubs are usually packed by 5pm on a day like this) Dan called, and told him to come to South London 😱. Initially Vincent did not fancy the trip through the blackwall tunnel after a long day of football coaching, however at the last second, changed his mind and made his way down. Vincent arrived just as the game kicked off (Tottenham vs Liverpool) and joined Dan in the pub (Tottenham lost thank goodness!!).

    After the game, Dan suggested attending a birthday party not far from the pub. Where they, unknowingly, engaged in conversation for some time with Nadine’s older brother Eric and Eric’s wife Delphine. Fast forward an hour or so, Nadine walked in. Vincent turned to Dan and quietly said WHO IS THAT! As the night went on, Vincent wanted to find a moment to speak to her but she was with her family and friends dancing and living her best life. During this time a young lady approached Dan saying that she wanted to speak to Vincent, so he went over to speak to her. Thankfully, Nadine walked past and Vincent seized this opportunity by placing his hand out to take hers saying “Hi, My name’s Vincent” 😎. The conversation flowed and went on for hours; to the point where Dan left without telling Vincent because he was so engaged in the conversation. Vincent felt they really connected during those hours and were it not for the fact she had to go home he would’ve been there even longer for sure.

    Vincent admires Nadine’s smile, kind nature and her drive towards executing her goals. So here we are! To think it all started with that trip down to South London, which Vincent was not keen on. It turned out to be one of the greatest decisions he has ever made.

    Nadine’s version:

    Nadine was attending a wedding in Oxford, where she performed as a part of a Rwandan dance group. After the wedding, Nadine and Anitha wanted to go to their cousin's birthday party in London. Despite Oxford and London being miles apart! However, Nadine was determined. After begging mum to drive them, Mum finally gave in and agreed, as both sisters did not have their driving licence at this point, and getting a train was out of the question.

    They arrived just in time for the festivities! At some point, Nadine walked past Vincent. Vincent stopped Nadine and put his hand out to say “Hi I’m Vince” 😎. Nadine’s first impression of Vincent was that he was a “fake” Ugandan, as he didn’t listen to Ugandan music or have any Ugandan friends😂. Nadine is a BIG east African fan, she loves east African music including Ugandan music and would attend East African events, therefore Nadine was not impressed about Vincent’s alleged lack of Ugandaness. Nadine also thought he was a ladies' man and a smooth talker. Nonetheless, Nadine quickly fell for his suave demeanour, which she found attractive, but it was his sweet and thoughtful side that really drew Nadine in.

    They spoke for hours, forgetting that they were at a birthday party, and when the party was over Nadine did not want to leave Vincent (How embarrassing). From that moment on we have been obsessed with each other. Nadine is a social butterfly, who loves creating content online, constantly on the go at social events. Vincent prefers the quiet life, gym, his career and most of all his football time. We quickly realised that although we were different, we balanced each other out in all the right ways.

    Now fast forward to today…we’re super excited that we get to share our greatest memory yet with you…our wedding day!!

    Wedding Events

    • St Francis de Sales Church, 729 High Road, London, N17 8AG
    • 30 Aug 2023, 11:30AM - 01:00PM

    The Parish of Tottenham is situated in the Haringey Deanery. Please come early as the church service will start promptly

    Car park available near the church:
    Sainsbury’s free parking for 3 hours
    28-48 Northumberland Park
    N17 0TX

    Wedding Party
    • Parklands, Quendon Hall, Quendon, Essex, CB11 3XN
    • 30 Aug 2023
      Cocktail hour 3-5pm
      Reception 5pm-midnight

    Parklands Quendon Hall is located in Essex/Hertfordshire border which has an idyllic setting with it’s beautiful 17th century Mansion House and country estate.

    See accommodations near by

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